Automation of sustainability data collection and managment

BOS’s unique system automates the collection and management of supplier sustainability data. The system ensures that the sustainability data required by CSRD remains up-to-date and helps the company to report sustainability data according to directive’s requirement.

Automation of sustainability data collection

No more manual and laborious collection of sustainability data. With the BOS system, the collection of sustainability data becomes automated and easier. Suppliers repeatedly report their sustainability data to the BOS system.

No manual handling of sustainability data!

Sustainability data maintenance is typically solved by requesting suppliers to send updated sustainability data in spreadsheets to the sourcing organization’s staff, who then manually process the data. This manual work is entirely eliminated with BOS’s system and services. The savings are significant as the purchasing organization’s staff can focus on more essential tasks, such as analyzing sustainability data.

The system monitors changes that suppliers make

With the BOS system, sustainability staff can easily check the changes made by suppliers to their sustainability data.

Frequently asked questions about sustainability data management

Why should you use a system for collecting sustainability data?

  • Significant Financial Savings: The purchasing organization eliminates the manual tasks related to collecting sustainability data.
  • Quality of Operations: Manual maintenance of sustainability data involves delays and produces errors in product and supplier sustainability information.


Why should the collection and management of responsibility data be automated with BOS?

  • Unique BOS system and services: No other service provider offers this kind of system. BOS has successfully prompted suppliers to repeatedly report the requested data for over 10 years.
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Want to know more?

Contact us and let’s discuss in more detail.


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